New Coaching Club launches for solo-professionals
Released on = February 26, 2006, 8:22 am
Press Release Author = Elite Coaching Group LLC
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Company declares new coaching club for service professionals. Attracting clients from the internet has never been easier for service professionals.
Press Release Body = New Coaching Club launches for solo-professionals
Company declares new coaching club for service professionals.
Attracting clients from the internet has never been easier for service professionals.
Miami, FL - February 26, 2006
Elite Coaching Group LLC has announced the opening of its new coaching club for solo-professionals desiring to attract clients from the web.
Sandra Baptist a.k.a. The Vision QueenT and President of Elite Coaching Group urges service professionals like coaches, virtual assistants, consultants and other solo-professionals not to despair when it comes to getting clients from the internet.
Baptist, a life and business coach herself, practicing internationally, suggests that solo-professionals can increase their chances of success in their businesses by learning from someone who\'s been there. "Why reinvent the wheel?" she says. "Follow a roadmap!"
To help other professionals double and triple their business on and from the web, the Coaching Club focuses on 9 Concepts:
� Figure out what you want for your business. Deciding where you want your business to be in 1 year, what type of services you want to deliver and who is your idea client is mandatory before you start your business. � Activate your juices and tell YOUR story. As a seller of services, prospects need to know that YOU can help them. They want to know that you relate to their individual needs or that you\'ve been in their situation. � Brand yourself-Determine what\'s different about your business versus another business that\'s in your niche and that\'s focusing on your target market � Understand basic web tactics with respect to marketing to your chosen prospects. "It\'s important that solo-professionals learn the basics about the web or they will fail miserably!" Baptist says as expands on this concept. � Lead a championship support team. Most professionals and solopreneurs tend to work on their own and this may lead to their businesses sliding or the owners themselves becoming overwhelmed. Baptist advocates that service professionals build a team around them. � Over-Deliver and WOW your clients. Keeping your clients for years by under promising and over delivering helps keep costs down. It\'s more expensive to continuously get new clients rather than keep the old ones. � Use the Universal Laws. This concept helps the solo-professional focus on what IS working rather than what is not working. � Spend wisely-invest in your own development and in your business. This is an important concept for all business and especially the professional working alone. � Spring into action. Creating a plan and doing something every day to build your business is vital to getting more clients.
Through this 9-concept system, Baptist teaches and coaches solo-professionals to stop struggling, start attracting more money in less time and build to their businesses online.
The Coaching Club officially opens on March 1 2006.
Contact Sandra Baptist for more insights into this topic.
For More Information Contact:
Sandra Baptist Tel: (800) 666-4754
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Contact Details = Sandra Baptist
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